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Meet Ken and Sherry Callaway

God started using Sherry & I, in a variety of ministry work after my dramatic "new-birth" at a Promise Keepers in 1998. Following being an ordained Minister of the Gospel, we started a full-time ministry in 2012, that God Himself named, "Knowing This Ministries".   Both of us have had extensive training and certification in Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling, and Christian Life Coaching. 

In 2024 the Lord clearly lead Sherry & I to Eastland Texas area to take our ministry to any groups wherever God leads us.  We will be teaching the important basics of Christianity that will give these groups 1st the WHAT  they must have, Christ as their very LIFE and the HOW to do that. The Lord also showed and allowed us to purchase a fabulous sculpture titled "The Old Man" by Jake Griggs which wonderfully depicts the battle of "taking off the old man" which, we will be bringing with us.

We are a partner supported, 501(c)3, Soul Care, Cross-Focused Ministry led by God to reach out, teach and love the churched and the un-churched.  We counsel, teach and coach in a variety of ways.

We have no set fees for our services, and rely solely on the generosity of our supporters. Please help us continue God's work. Your donation is used for the general operating expenses of our Ministry.


We accept on-line donations and monthly plans. No one is denied counseling services for financial reasons.

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An Outreach Ministry | 830-203-0170

158 County Road 594

Eastland, TX 76448

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